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An Introductory Workshop on Entrepreneurship by Dr. Abha Rishi on 21 March 2018. Speakers: Dr Abha Rishi (Director AIC, BIMTECH) and Mr Chittransh Verma
- An Interactive workshop was organized by E-cell Department of CSE With the help of Startup India and AIC, BIMTECH.
- Dr Abha Rishi (CEO, AIC BIMTECH) interacted with students to know their perception about Entrepreneurship. She asked students to name any product then is impossible to be sold in market. After collecting names of products. She redistributed it with other students and asked them to find the use for those unsellable products. Students shared their ideas among themselves to use unusable things for some productive means. This activity enhanced the skill of idea generation in students.
- Mr Chittransh CEO of AIC, BIMTECH gave introductory session about startups.

Inauguration of Centre of Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship
On 23rd Mar 2022 Hon’ble Minister of State for Education, Dr Subhas Sarkar Inaugurated the “Centre for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship (CIIE) along with Prof Afshar Alam, Vice Chancellor, Mr Syed S Akhtar, Registrar, Dr Shamim Ahmad, Advisor CIIE, Prof Farhan J Ahmad, Chairman CIIE, Dr Jawed Ahmad Director, CIIE, Prof S Alam, Chief Proctor, Mr Harpal Singh, Finance officer and Mr Shaukat Mufti, HNF
Following Incubatees demonstrated their innovative products
- Students from computer science demonstrated their life saving AI based drone technology for delivering emergency medicine in remote areas.
- AI based student’s attendance system
- A range Nano herbal product with enhance efficacy and bioavailability by students from Nanomedicine Lab lie Nan Curcumin, Nanoneem, Nano thymoquinone, Nano resveratrol, Nano Safran etc
- E waste management technology by department of chemistry
- Campus grown Stevia based tea combination products by deptt of Biotechnology students
- Innovative Unani products by SUMER students


Jamia Hamdard Centre of Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship has participated in the biotech Expo 2022. The JH CIIE stall was visited by several government and private sector officials, Innovators and Incubators. Lot of queries were raised about Nano herbal products, Stevia combinations, Paper printed micro circuits and Nutraceuticals based products.
The Biotech Start-up Expo-2022 was inaugurated by Hon'ble Prime Minister, Shri Narender Modi.
Major highlights of the event include 75 Successful Biotech Start-ups with Products in the Market, 75 Specialized Biotech Incubation Centres, 75 Start-ups from DPIIT, IITs, DST and University Pool. e-Portal of 750 Biotech products, 75 products developed during 75th year of independence, 75 Women Biotech Entrepreneurs-Coffee Book were launched during this event.

Seminar on Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship organized by CIIE
A seminar was organised by Centre of Innovation, Incubation & Entrepreneurship(CIIE) on Ist Sept 2022 in the convention centre Jamia Hamdard. The purpose of this seminar was to spread awareness among students and faculty members about Incubation, entrepreneurship, start-up, and about initiatives taken by the university to encourage students and young entrepreneurs.
The chief Guest of the occasion was Mr. Sajid Ahmed, Chief Executive Officer, Secretary/Treasurer, HNF.
Dr. Farhan J Ahmad Chairman, CHE, welcome the guest and briefed the gathering about the main concept, vision and mission of CIE.
Dr. Saurabh Arora, Executive Director, Arbro Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. proud Alumni and a young Entrepreneur. He is heading contract testing and research business, he has developed six state of art analytical labs shared his experiences about being an entrepreneur.
The Guest of Honour Dr. Chhaya Chauhan, Lead-Bio incubation Network & Entrepreneurship Development, BIRAC, Department of Biotechnology, Government of India enriched the audience about various schemes of BIRAC for new entrepreneurs.
Dr. Aseem Bhatnagar, renowned scientist, an administrator from INMAS, DRDO and now an entrepreneur, motivated the audience by explaining the role and importance of CHIE in the university and their joumey as an entrepreneur.In the presidential remarks, Mr Syed Said Akhtar encouraged the students to be Job giver instead of Job seeker. Mr Jawed Ahmad, Director/Convener CHE, presented the vote of thanks.
Women Entrepreneurship Development Program (WEDP)
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, School of Engineering Sciences and Technology (SEST), Jamia Hamdard has organized a DST (Govt. of India) sponsored four weeks Women Entrepreneurship Development Program (WEDP) in online mode on 22nd August 2022 onwards. The speakers will be from the academia and the corporate sector.
The themes of the WEPD are following:
1. Women Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth
2. Women and Sustainable Development Goals
3. POWER (Promotion of Women Empowerment and Rights)
Registration link:

Mr. Amir Hossein Mirabadi, Head of Technology and Innovation Cooperation Section, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran interacted with the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard and also with the team of Centre for Incubation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Jamia Hamdard for strengthening ties.